Keep Calm and Win Your Virtual Onsite InterviewsDo your homework, adopt a positive mindset and just enjoy the ride!Jul 9, 2021Jul 9, 2021
Scrape Your Way To the Interviews — Part 2In this article, we will continue building our Glassdoor Interviews reviews scraper (check out the beginning here) and extend our code to…Sep 18, 2020Sep 18, 2020
A Data Scientist’s Way To Learn About Any Interviewing ProcessLooking for a job and preparing for technical interviews could be a daunting and stressful experience. Applications alone take days and…Aug 22, 2020Aug 22, 2020
Scrape Your Way To Thousands of Interview ReviewsIn this article, I will show a step-by-step process of getting Glassdoor interview reviews programmaticallyAug 22, 2020Aug 22, 2020
Don’t Be Confused by a Confusion MatrixEver struggled to get your head around a confusion matrix? Here is a simple procedure on how to construct and interpret it.Jul 7, 2019Jul 7, 2019
Published inTDS ArchiveData Science on the Go — How? Ask a New Mom! Part IIThis is the second part of the post about the tips and tricks of studying data science on the go shared by a new mom.Oct 14, 2018Oct 14, 2018
Published inGood AudienceData Science on the go — how? Ask a new mom!Data Science grad, who is also a new mom, on how to squeeze studying into your busy scheduleOct 6, 2018Oct 6, 2018